The 6th South America-Africa-Middle East- Asia Women Summit (SAMEAWS), DUBAI-UAE 2018
August 27, 2018
December 31, 2018
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THEME: Fostering Human Capital Development through Women Empowerment.

VENUE: New York, USA.

DATE: 19th – 21st March 2019-

On the Margins of the sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women, scheduled to hold at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11th to 22nd March 2019.


The focus of this forum arises from the World Bank’s 2018 Human Capital Index, which ranks 157 countries based on their education and health outcomes and the impact they are having on productivity. Based on the new index, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa experience under-five mortality as high as about 2.9 million every year, mostly from avoidable causes, such as complications related to respiratory infections, diarrhea, or malaria. In the same vein, the report indicated that though Africa has the largest return on education globally, with each additional year of schooling raising earnings by 11% for boys and 14% for girls, issues of access and quality loom large as about 50 million children are not in school.

A report by the World Economic Forum supports the development and deployment of human capital as a critical element of economic growth and social inclusion in all countries, and established that the two of the Global Gender Gap Index’s four sub-indexes of Educational Attainment and Economic Participation and Opportunity, relate to the development and deployment of female human capital in particular. Therefore, the report concludes that female talent remains one of the most under-utilized business resources, either squandered through lack of progression or untapped from the onset; business leaders and governments increasingly note that tackling barriers to equality can unlock new opportunities for growth.

In light of this, the theme of this Forum is set as: “Fostering Human Capital Development through Women Empowerment”. The summit will bring together Leaders in Government, Industry Practitioners, Global business leaders, academics and research scholars, and International Development partners, from across Africa and the United States, in a series of high-level policy dialogues and interactions sessions, to explore gender-responsive approaches and other various aspects to fostering human capital development in Africa.


  • Women & Healthcare Infrastructure challenges in Africa.
  • Access to Education for the Girl-Child.
  • Gender, STEM education & Sustainability.
  • Enhancing Women’s Economic Participation and Opportunity.


  • Participation at the High-level session and stakeholders engagement at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, billed to hold at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
  • Inauguration and induction of members into the all-new Global Amazons Network (a  movement of the 21st century new breed of women who are bold, resilient, strong and world changers.
  • Presentation of CELD’s Blue Ribbon Awards & Unveiling of the Amazons Watch Magazine’s Top 100 Global Amazons.
  • A pre-forum 3- day Women Leadership Development Masterclass on: Women as Transformational Leaders— Learning to Optimize Leadership Effectiveness, Improve Leadership Performance, and Develop the Leadership of Others.
  • A Roundtable Session on “Global Investments on Women & Girl-Child development”.
  • High-level Keynote and Paper Presentations.


  • Female Heads of Government.
  • First Ladies/ Wives of Political Office holders.
  • Senior Female Government Leaders.
  • Major Industry Titans & Stakeholders.
  • Female Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs.
  • Female Heads/ Members of Boards.
  • Academics, Researchers and Research scholars.
  • International Development institutions.


For more information on participation, please contact our office, as shown below-

Centre for Economic and Leadership Development

C/O Amazons Watch Magazine

Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent

Portsmouth, PO2 8FA

United Kingdom.

Tel:  +44 7459 647093

