January 15, 2018
IGBESS: International Global Border Engagement Strategy Summit
January 22, 2018
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Theme: Fostering Global Partnerships and Collaborations in Delivering SDGs: Women Empowerment in Focus

Venue: New York, U.S.A, on the Margin of the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women
Date: March 23rd, 2018

The UN-sponsored Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognizes gender equality as not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. In the same vein, stakeholders, in the sustainability spectrum have equally maintained that achieving equality in access to education, health care, finance, as well as in leadership representations across all platforms will drive global sustainability.

In recent times, governments, Industry practitioners, global business leaders, academics and research scholars, as well as International Development partners, have drawn up and executed several models and programmes to achieve gender equality and women empowerment. As such, women have thus made advancement and progress in the society, working tirelessly to break new grounds for themselves and making inroads for others in the society. We find women in all kinds of sports, competing in football, baseball, wrestling with male counterparts, and emerging in all high level groups of finance, government and business, even as Presidents, and heads of states.

However, many women around the world have not benefited from the gains and progress made in gender equality. Breakthrough for women in unleashing the benefits of women’s economic empowerment will be hinged on development collaborations and cooperation, and solutions-oriented partnerships involving all actors and stakeholders in the sustainability arena.

Therefore, the Centre for Economic and Leadership Development (CELD) in conjunction with the Amazons Watch Magazine presents The Africa Women Forum (AWF) – New York 2018.

The Africa Women Forum forms part of the series of CELD’s unprecedented Emerging Economies Women Equity & Development Forums. The Emerging Economies Women Equity & Development Forums is a family of high net worth forums, including the Africa Women Forum, Asia Women Forum, Middle East Women Forum and the South America Women Forum.

This series of Forums is designed to lead the discussion and implementation of a full range of opportunities and development for women; targeted and customized to the specific circumstances of these regions.

With the theme of the Africa Women Forum set as: Fostering Global Partnerships and Collaborations in Delivering SDGs: Women Empowerment in Focus, the event will include a series of high-level sessions, an enriching global platform, designed to build formidable networks, mutually beneficial and effective multi-stakeholder partnerships, policy dialogues and interactions, high net-worth collaborations, as well as bespoke and private investment meetings, to scale up women in leadership, as well as identify, and promote best practices in delivering socio-economic sustainability.


The Africa Women Forum (AWF) – New York 2018 shall have the following key components:

  • High-level Keynote and Paper Presentations
  • Women and Finance Session- A conversation with representatives of leading financial institutions on transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  • Women in Business and Government- A high-level panel discussion with Global female leaders in business and political leadership.
  • A pre-forum 5 days Women Leadership Development Masterclass
  • CELD Awards to women and organizations across all regions, who are working to promote innovation and development collaborations and partnerships in their communities as well as those making inroads for others, in a bid to encourage a replication of more efforts in this direction.
  • A showcase of Amazons Watch Magazine Blue Ribbon List of Top 50 Women in Business and Governance
  • Inauguration and induction of members into the all-new Global Amazons Network (a movement of the 21st century new breed of women who are bold, resilient, strong and world changers from the regions of Africa, Asia, Middle East and South-America).
  • High-level session / stakeholders engagement at the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women, billed to hold at the United Nations Headquarters in New York
  • Unrivalled Networking Opportunities


  • Senior Female Government Leaders
  • First Ladies/ Wives of Political Office holders
  • Major Industry Titans & Stakeholders
  • Female Business Leaders
  • Academics, Researchers and Research scholars
  • Women Development and Finance institutions
  • Women in STEM, stakeholders, etc.

For more information on participation and sponsorship, please contact our office, as shown below-

Centre for Economic and Leadership Development
C/O Amazons Watch Magazine
Portsmouth Technopole, Kingston Crescent
Portsmouth, PO2 8FA
United Kingdom.

Tel:  +44 7459 647093
Email: info@celd.org.uk
Website: www.celdng.org; www.amazonswatchmagazine.com